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Sidi Saiyyed Mosque

Exterior view of the Sidi Saiyyed Jali

The Sidi Saiyyed Mosque, built in 1573, is one of the most famous mosques of Ahmedabad. The mosque was built by Sidi Saiyyed, who was a slave of Sultan Ahmed Shah.

The Sidi Saiyyed mosque

The mosque was built in the last year of the Sultanate of Gujarat. The mosque is entirely arcuated. The mosque has ten screen windows (jalis) on the side and rear arches. The rear wall is filled with square stone pierced panels in geometrical designs. The two bays flanking the central aisle have reticulated stone slabs carved in designs of intertwined trees and foliage and a palm motif. This intricately carved stone window is called the Sidi Saiyyed Jali.

Panorama view of the mosque from the front

The mosque was pillaged by the British and they extracted the central jali and took it to the London Museum for display.


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