Huge Collection Of Almost All VARIOUS INDIAN MOSQUES IN VARIOUS CITIES...CHECK IT OUT [Last Updated page view 1st that's why please go through "Home"]

THE FIRST MOSQUE EVER BUILT IN SOUTH ASIA,Burhanpur,Hyderabad, Kerala, Agra,Srinagar

Burhanpur Mosque & Moseleum complex, Burhanpur, M.P., India.

Saleema Khatoon Mosque, Hyderabad, India

Its a historic mosque & will be preserved by Heritage preservation.

JAMA Mosque, Srinagar, Kashmir, India

****is nearing. But everyone in here is for big surprise. Yes, its NOT
in North India (definitely not the asoka pillar mosque in Old delhi,
built in 12th century). I have already found what is probably a 2nd
oldest "surviving" mosque. I'm holding back the image till I confirm
it. its nearly 1000+ yrs old like 10th century. The oldest mosque is
South Asia is NOT in North India, Pakistan, Bangladesh, Afghanistan,
Sri Lanka. Its in Kerala for sure but I'm not sure if its the oldest
"built". It could be oldest "surviving" dating back to 8th century just
150-200 yrs of founding of Islam thanks to arab traders settling on
western coast of Kerala for trade.

Ajadalla Mosque, ?????, India

Pattambi Mosque, Kerala, India

Athinhal Mosque, Athinhal, Kerala, India

City Mohyudeen Mosque, Kerala, India

Jama Mosque, Beericherey, Kerala, India

Malappuram Mosque, Kerala, India


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